If you need to catch up on Part 1, go here to learn Steve Carrel, Pierce Brosnan, and Johnny Depp’s favorite drinks.
Now, let’s continue our alcoholic tour of Hollywood. Today, we’ll talk musicians.
- Bono–The Irish U2 frontman goes for a drink that’s surprisingly simple: Jack Daniels. In 2018, he bought shares in an Irish whiskey distillery to begin working on his own personal blend.
- Beyonce–Queen B likes her drinks sweet and strong. Her go-to is the long island iced tea. If you go for a Beyonce-themed happy hour, just remember not to have too many, or you’ll definitely be regretting all that sugar tomorrow.
- Lady Gaga–This experimental popstar drinks Jameson, on the rocks. In her a rider on her original contract, she requested a regular supply of the whiskey on her tour bus, along with a smoothie bar. It wasn’t said if she planned on combining the two, but I could also see her double-fisting.